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3rd Annual Tronicia Masquerade Ball

Please Vote for your favorite...

Story Line
Best Actress
Best Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best Supporting Actor
and more

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Any member who is currently in any story line, may attend, even if their story has made them leave Tronicia. Invitations went out to all nearby lands

When: February 27, 2002
Until: March 6 , 2002
Where: Windrider Castle
Admission: DDKers only please

Please Role Play as if you would be at a real party.  There should be food, music, drinking, dancing!  And maybe a few people wondering around the castle looking for secret passages.   

Read Terra's Helpful hints to RPing at the ball and making a costume.

Dress Code: Everyone must get into the spirit of the ball and wear a costume. A -new- Yahoo ID must be created to play, this is your costume. To create a new ID click here

Ball colors this year are Yellow Purple and Green.