April 2000


Volume 1 Issue 7

Tronicia Times


Thank you

Thank you to everyone that wished me a happy birthday and sent e-cards.    It made my day.   


Please join The Death Corps and help plan the next big event for The DDK.

The Times is closings its doors.

This will be the last issue of The Tronicia Times for a while.  There are many area's of The DDK we need to focus our attention too, so the Times has to take a step back.

When we are ready to publish the next issue we hope everyone summits articles so it can be bigger and better.

Adopt this Egg

Tronicia Times     
Character Spotlight     
Card Carrying Members   
Schedule of Events       
Secret tunnels
Quick  Index       
About the Clubs       
Guest book     
What's new
Dragon Adoption Agency     
DDK Postcards     
Awards we won
Email Web Sorceress     
Email Council

On Yahoo
The DDK     
The Unofficial DDK     
X Rated DID Fan Club     
DDK Council
The Death Corps   
Adopt a Dragon Agency   
Black Shadow King   
Treasure Hunt Club     
DID Shrine   
Damsels Keep

Dru is working hard to get the Adopt a Dragon Agency up and running.

Any Dragon adopted, must be given a good home, and a page on your website.

Dru has 5 Eggs ready to be adopted.  Anyone wishing to adopt a Tronicia Dragon, please join the Adopt A Dragon Agency.   Adoptions will be done on first come first serve.   There are already several members in there.  So if you want to be on the list to have a dragon, please join.

This is a BIG project for the DDK and one day these dragons, will be able to interact with you. But for now they are only graphics. 

So don't miss out and get in on the ground floor. 


Neopets is a new site, that Nomad found.  It is along the lines of the same idea we have for the Adopt a Dragons.

Both Nomad and I have been over there playing to see what we like and what we don't like. 

It's free, so check it out.  If you sign up, when you fill out your form, tell them either NomadScry or Damsel sent you.

This is Nomad's pet Psistar

This is Damsel's pet Celtic Thunder