April 2000


Volume 1 Issue 7

Tronicia Times

The Fool's Day Voting Booth

Reported by Terra Skya

   The total amount of votes totaled 15544. The votes were, for those whom I know or assume to be women, in ascending order :

Ketchara_2523                                  1
KIGAI                                                  2
Samant T Wizard                              6
Damsel                                                7
Evil DID                                               9
ShadowSong                                      11
honoria_nyalla                                  12
kigaigothic_empress AKA Vella         14
selena_moonstone                           20
shape_changer13                             23
dru ddk                                              48
Clare_the_Faery                              198
super happy perky hyper ana        225
Drum roll please!
Dizzy DID at 656 votes
So technically DID has 678 votes
All Hail Queen Damsel!

Now, the male or assumed male votes for king fool are:
Scarred_Eternal                            6
deer skin                                         10
First_knightt                                 10
Gandof_The_Wizard                  10
awesome_wizard                         28
nomad_scry                                 66

Now the real story can be told of the battle vote race to be king. Yes, you heard me. Race.

Hawknick and the_archmage_slayer had been racing from the very start to be the king fool, continually in competition. On the 30th, Hawknick was about 500 points in the lead when last I had seen. How do I know? I was the one doing the voting, along with a friend of mine, sailor_morph, who was so nice to help me help my deserving friend.

On the 31st, I came on to find that even though Hawknick had been raised to over 1200 votes, the_archmage_slayer had surpassed him by about 200 votes. I got sailor_morph to help me again when slayer's votes began to rise. He quickly surpassed us when we had reached 300 more votes than him!

We fought and fought as I searched for people to aid us. But when I returned, the votes were 1000 in difference! I voted and voted with 5 other people. Four of them quit or couldn't stay on, but sailor and me kept fighting! With just the two of us, we closed the gap in the votes! We fought and raced, while I conversed with DID. It was nearly nine o'clock my time and I asked if we could have 'til ten. She stopped the polls at 10:15 HER time, which was 9:15 mine. It was my fault for not explaining my point of view, but we fought, we tried. The_archmage_slayer emerged victorious with 7277 votes, 404 more than Hawknick's 6873 votes.

Congratulations to our King and Queen Fools, Dizzy Damsel (commonly known as Damsel in Distress) and the_archmage_slayer. Be good you two, though that's why there's an X-rated DID fan club… so you don't have to be. Oh well. We tried, fought and lost. That's life. But it was a mean battle and we can be proud.

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