Nomad_Scry: "I'm on the naughty list??? Is this the boring naughty list or is like the one that used to meet in back of the gym after school? <BG> BTW: ShadowSong, are you sure you want to associate with DID? She is a known curruptor, you know... <G>"
Shadowsong_22: "You're too late Nomad. But I think the corruption was mutual. I was tired of being nice."
DID: "This is the naughty, naughty list Nomad!!! You know how naughty I am <G> not boring at all...but now that RED joined us, we have to do something with that little one...he's to young to be playing with us....so someone grab his feet, someone else grab his hands, and lets stuff him in a box or something! And you leave Shadowsong alone! she's just as naughty without me, as she is with me! you should read the jokes SHE sends ME!!!"
DID: "Anyone want to fill out an Application to be Damsel's new man?? Run the kingdom with her?? *grin* There are many Benefits that come along with the job *evil grin* If anyone thinks they are the man 'up' for the job...please take an application, fill it out and you will be called for an Interview (do I have to really make up and application now?)"
edsrpgsgm: "Can I be on the nice list, too? *Just to fill it out a bit.*"
DID: "Edsrpgsgm come on down your the 2nd person on, Santa's NICE list. please take your place behind Samant.
Continued on page 9
A long time ago, in the dim annals of history, a voice spoke. The voice was female and it said, "Shadow, if none of the guys come to your rescue, I'll try again tonight, and add your picture to my profile and see what happens. (these guys are good for only ONE thing! and even then, some of then aren't that good)
It was the voice of DID and from it came a vast outpouring of response..