you have been so merry Join the Nice list If you wish!!! Samant Edsrpgsgm Ana Ajiin and Clare the feary
Nomad: "Ah... it is so rather easy to get bored of, isn't it... <G> Which is why it can be so fun to RP..." -- I feel I wasn't clear the first time, so let me elucidate. It is easy to get bored of being nice, but that it can be fun to role play being nice. I said this in response to ShadowSong saying that she got tired of being nice.
Nomad: "hmmm, does this mean I should attempt to entertain the Shadow, also? Or are you a jealous, DID, visiting your wrath upon even the third and fourth generations? <G> (vague distortion of an old testament quote)"
DID: "I have to think about this one! I don't know if i wanna share....ok I thought about it, I'll just go play with someone else while you "entertain" Shadow. sounds good to me! And I know just the person, or rather the Knight *evil grin*"
Nomad: "<biggest grin> Mwuhahahahaha! On second thought, if SS is on the N list ahead of me, perhaps -I- should be running... the whole B Widow thing again, eh, m'Lady? <EG> I win the trophy for being unclear. If ShadowSong is naughtier than I, perhaps I should be wary of the BlackWidow effect
DID: "Shadowsong is allowed to pick which 2 men, she would like to line up "in-between" however, if she picks my favorites...I am moving her @$$ to the back of the line, and declaring you all MINE!"
Nomad: "Notice the silence coming from
Shadow's Song?"
DID: "Give shadowsong some time, she's not on line yet! I am the only nut job around here, who is on almost 24/7!! yesterday I talked to Red, BEFORE he went to sleep, then in the early hours of the am, I saw him on line and asked him why wasn't he sleeping?? and he said, because its time to go to school!! Guess that meant I was the one who should have been sleeping! he's like a 12 hour difference. I am wondering WHEN I do sleep?? I know I do, because my bed looks like someone is sleeping in it unless its just the cats sleeping in my bed...I am starting to wonder."
Nomad: "I assume you sleep... <G> I know I do... And yes, I suppose I should have patience for those not a addicted to the (hahaha) world wide wait as myself. I used to chat with this lady from Oz, she was 14 hours ahead of me... got rather confusing at times... <G>"
Slayer: "Why am I on the bottom of the naughty list? If you and chicken get a divorce, can I marry you next? Will you and Shadowsong fight and the winner gets all the guys? It could be in a mud pit..........just a thought. BTW, we all love you Damsel! Happy Christmas, or
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