Top 10 Signs you know DID is going to crack her whip
1. When you start posting OOC in the original DDK.
2. When you don't answer her emails
3. When everyone else ducks for cover
4. When you tell her you don't have your column done yet.
5. When Archmage Slayer opens his mouth
6. When you interrupt her and Chicken Little alone in the Chat room
7. When you post on any place that has the #22 in it
8. When you make fun of The DDK.
9. When you don't show up online for three days in a row and tell her your excuse is a sore throat... because she knows that sore throats don't keep fingers from typing.
10. Every she gets the chance- cause she's really into this - but ssssshhhhh don't tell anyone or you will be next- then again it might appeal
For next month answer this: Top 10 reasons why The DDK is better than real life Email your answers to Tronicia_times@yahoo.com
Happy Holidays
Have a Happy Solstice Holiday Season, one and all!
From Selena Moonstone
Looking for help for an army
LONG-term army for Syota, my home country, (something close to Tronicia).
Syota is always getting invaded. We need protection until my people get "back on their feet."
Thing is, I'll take an immediate volunteer army, which would be great, OR I'll work for the money to hire one. (either's fine).
I'm talented enough to do ANY job. I'm can be a cook to a homemaker, or scholar to warrior. So, I think I could be easily used for a number of odd-jobs.
Shi Kana Email me here
The Stars
Do you like learning about the stars? Are you an expert? Or do you just walk outside at night, and look up?
If you answer any of these questions Yes, please follow me, as I will show you the way to the brightest stars.
Join me Here
Yaksha the archdemon
Tronicia Times wants you
If you have any ideas for a column or an article please summit your ideas in and email NOT in an IM to the Times, by January 10
Email us here