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Cost: 5 Harvests Coins Pages In this issue
let's zoom in on Nolan who is attempting to wreak havoc with his UNDDK postings. Rumor has it that he's in almost daily contact with Damsel right down to the clothes she's wearing. Seems our up close and personal is trying to stir the pot. Hence we'll soon have bald DID if he keeps trying to get her in trouble as she' s probably tearing her hair out when he's posting. Well we have it under good authority that no troublemakers allowed see Sam and Eternal. LOL. I had to add that one you know it children. Stay tuned for the next issue: What really happened with the Damsel's kidnapping? Are Terra and Mythus really related? Does this mean there are going to be mutant babies? What's with that orc wandering around? Bets on when Yaksha returns again and quits again what are the odds going to start at. |
Volume 2, Issue 2 |
Page L-6 |
Gossip Column |
Tronicia Times |
Gossip Column |
Gossip Column Disclaimer, the gossip column is for enjoyment and not to be taken as fact. Only those who can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy will believe this. Those suffering from paranoia will believe this is about them…. Hello children it's time to play a game. It's called lets start a rumor. It's a game played by everyone everywhere and it is now swinging into Tronicia. First and foremost, rumor has it there is going to be a Racy DID sighting out of Tronicia, and the UNDDK and actually seen in real life! Unbelievable as it may seem Damsel will be taking a vacation and Racy DID will be taking over and sharing time with Hunk Hunting DID. Both these DID's will be run |
ning amok with alleged former beaus Nomad and Mage. Time will tell if they will become more than just alleged. Too bad her Dragon and Slayer won't be there to rescue her from any indiscretions. Maybe Knight Huma will be willing to chaperone with his poor old broken bones. Don't count on it though because where will he be when the sunsets and Racy DID shows her true colors? Speaking of Slayer, this alleged beau, is said to be engaged to Damsel? Rumor has it that Damsel and Slayer are secretly picking out rings. Do we hear wedding bells in the future? Our next rumor is there are going to be some major changes brewing in the DDK. Looks like The Narrator, Mythus, and DID have been bored and started spending more time together. So just wait for that little bombshell to drop. |
In case you hadn't noticed it already started we're already a few members short recently. Unfortunately the gossip on this is short since everyone's been hush hush and Damsel hasn't even shared with the rest of the council. (hmmm maybe another rumor in that) Maybe Damsel doesn't trust the Council to keep there mouths shut? Maybe Damsel plans on just running amok with her deleting? Naaaaaah Off to another rumor. Rumor has it that 'Imaginary Undertone' is on Tronicia's Most Wanted list. They are wanted for kidnapping, armed robbery, forgery. It is believed they run in a packed of evil bandits who call themselves "Doom Troops " This group is highly dangerous and should avoid at all cost. If you encounter one of these bandits run the other way. Last but not least |